
๐Ÿ“š Milk and Honey

Rupi Kaur
Year of release
Poetry and Feminism
Average WPM
Date Started - Finished
10-Feb-2022 - 10-Feb-2022
Time took
1.5 Hours

My Top Quotes

  • The hurting

she was a rose in the hands of those who had no intention of keeping her

trying to convince myself i am allowed to take up space is like writing with my left hand when i was born to use my right

i canโ€™t tell if my mother is terrified or in love with my father it all looks the same

  • The loving

i struggle so deeply to understand how someone can pour their entire soul blood and energy into someone without wanting anything in return

you are the faint line between faith and blindly waiting

iโ€™d be lying if i said you make me speechless the truth is you make my tongue so weak it forgets what language to speak in

  • The breaking

it means nothing to me if he loves you if he canโ€™t do a single wretched thing about it

i left because the longer i stayed the less i loved myself

I can see a cringe post with this quote

i am a museum full of art but you had your eyes shut

you treat them like they have a heart like yours but not everyone can be as soft and as tender

you donโ€™t see the person they are you see the person they have the potential to be

you give and give till they pull everything out of you and leave you empty

i donโ€™t know why i split myself open for others knowing sewing myself up hurts this much afterward

i am losing parts of you like i lose eyelashes unknowingly and everywhere

  • The healing

do not bother holding on to that thing that does not want you

it is a part of the human experience to feel pain do not be afraid open yourself to it

how you love yourself is how you teach others to love you

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.